Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lipstick Revolution

Lipstick revolution?! Don’t wear it, never have. Now if we bypass the ignorance of such insult and are willing to address the primordial Source as She is feminine, womyn, The Mother. Perhaps there is hope for the arrested egos on this precious Mother Earth. Think about it, even though, my Beloved children this country is not a Christian one it is a Free nation. You can continue to go ‘round the wheel of his-story and tolerate life, ignorant to the Truth life is the projection of mass consciousness. “Fear The Father” you’re taught, since it is story impressed into the universal mind even unconsciously. This is a high suggestion of the Mother, “Fear Father time,” as it “grinds” into Mother Earth. Consider this Truth children of the one Earth, Mother is our world and all of my children are inhabiting different areas of this ball of chaos you have created and recreated. With each life, given the potential to refine and balance that life, we move slowly, the darkness of ignorance will recede, acceptance is only born of The Motherhood of God. Mankind we are not, humankind, yes. Mankind and his fearful followers (sheep you have dubbed them) continue the wheel of his-story, men--war, barring their hearts and becoming like dog with a bone. Focus is power, womynkind have learned to “bypass” the heart, i.e. womyn have more heart attacks. Beloved ones, all of your dis/eases are due to fearing the Father, fighting the Mother, even if you’re 82 years old.

Womyn of THE womb return to the ocean of memory in your soul, you have gone backwards in your attempt to survive. Due to this heinous state you have chosen to join mans’ world of war, greed, anger, violence. Despite our bloodline conscious concepts, the Truth is, life is not meant to be suffered through because it pissed the Father off aeons ago and like taxes you’re still paying and like the death of parents the child picks up our sufferings, accepting responsibility, i.e. emotionally, monetarily, socially…

Now Lipstick Revolutions sorry plight just continues to entrench itself deeper into the alive and well problems of today, NOT at all changed-- violence, incest, abuse of all kind which leads to promiscuity, all addictions, suicides… NOT gender inherited, but consciously passed to each other. Misery loves company and my beloved if you show me your company as your Mother, I’ll remind you of who you are, yet do not have to remain. Only truth, love and faith will give birth to acceptance. Dare to go beyond tolerance. Remember Father time is on your tail like white on the rabbits butt! Obvious, swift and ever changing ones perception, NOT Life Herself.

You are your thoughts
Your thoughts are not you
You eat what you are
You are not what you eat
Your inner beauty is
Seen by the Mother, the outer
Dis/ease is the sculpting of
Time gone by.
Wake Up!

--Mataji Shubhranandaswami Psy. D.
June 21, 2009

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